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Quickie Divorce

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We often hear in the media how celebrities are divorced in 30 seconds in “quickie” divorces but is this possible for us mere mortals?

The reality is the divorce process takes about the same amount of time for everyone, which is about 6 months.

“Celebrities are divorced in 30 seconds in “quickie” divorces but is this possbile for us mere mortals?”

Whilst there are myths such as, if you are separated for 5 years then you are automatically divorced, this again is not true. Which even fact you rely on to get divorced, whether it be adultery, unreasonable behaviour or one of the others, you will be required to complete the same documentation and go through the same process in order to get divorced. There is no short cut.

So why does the media report celebrities as having a “quickie” divorce?

The stage at which the media report this “quickie” divorce is often at the stage of the divorce process known as the Decree Nisi. This in essence is the middle part of the divorce process when a Judge will have considered the divorce documentation and confirmed that the parties are eligible for a divorce. The judge will then pronounce the Decree Nisi in his chambers and whilst the parties can attend to hear this it is very rare for them to do so.

“It should be noted that the parties are not divorced at this stage”

It should be noted that the parties are not legally divorced at this stage, and will have to wait at least 6 weeks before they can apply to bring the marriage formally to a conclusion.

For more information on divorce then please contact John or Andrew on 01902 429 051.

R N Williams & Co.
53 Waterloo Road,
Tel: 01902 429 051
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